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Watch A Grizzly Bear Eat A Moose While Couple Exchanges Wedding Vows

Photo: Getty Images

Video shared online shows a grizzly bear interrupt a couple's wedding vows by killing and feasting on a moose calf nearby at Glacier National Park in Montana.

The video, which was captured and shared on YouTube by videographer Stanton Giles, shows the groom tell his bride that she's his "past, present and future" as a moose calf is heard moaning in pain while being attacked by the large bear.

The cameraman then turns his attention to the attack after it halted the ceremony.

The bear is shown pinning the calf down on the rocks in the distance as a fully grown moose swims across the lake and away from the attacking grizzly.

“Are we okay?” a woman is heard saying before suggesting to put on music to drown out the noise coming from the attack as guests discuss the strange scene for the next minute or so.

“I’m blown away right now,” Giles said while filming. "That is insane."

(WARNING: The video below may be unsuitable to some viewers).

A person is then heard attempting to put on music to drown out the attack, but struggling to select a song fitting the mood, as the bear attempts to finish off the moose.

The calf appears to be dead at the end of the video when it is dragged by the grizzly back into a bush and the wedding ceremony continues.

Glacier National Park has one of the largest grizzly bear populations in the Lower 48 of the United States.